Here is our trip!
This is the first c0 co type clock. The King that commissioned it cut the clock makers eyes out after he was finished so that he couldn't make another one. Crazy hun...

This is the outside of a cathedral inside the prague castle. Gothic style cathedrals are my favorite. I will enjoy them even in the pouring rain which is what the weather was in Prague.

Here's Devin jumping on the St. Charles Bridge. Every time we walked across it, the rain would start. So we just needed to quit walking across.
A few other highlights from Prague. Going to a Salvador Dali exhibit, seeing an amazing chamber concert featuring the fine local composers, Mozart, Devotchka, Strauss I was in heaven.
It was kind of a bust but we had an awesome hotel and by the time we got there we were so tired that we didn't care to spend a day sleeping!
This is inside a Cathedral in Linz

Devin trying to escape the castle that was more a museum than castle but the remaining walls were cool.

This art exhibit was in the ARS electronica center. A cool mix of art and electronics. This is their interpretations of Avatar.

Here is the view of the castle and town from the famous Mirabell Gardens you might know it from the do re mi song in the Sound of Music.

The view of the castle as we hiked to it.

Inside a cathedral that had the most beautiful frescos. The ceiling looked so celestial. I guess that's the point right?

Just another cathedral this one was in session so we couldn't go in but we enjoyed the view from the outside.

My dream of Salzburg was walking into town and there being a festival and everyone eating and dancing. Well it came true May day was upon us thankfully causing the town to shut down and the festivities to be in full force.

Here we are walking across the bridge not even knowing that my dreams were about to be fulfilled.

Salzburg also held amazing country side here I am at the bank of the lake in St. Gilgon. I was ready to jump in the water it was clear and beautiful, Devin was having to hold me back.

The cutest grave yard just outside their church. They know how to do it over there. They make the graves so that you can actually plant flowers, really pretty.

A view from the top of the Alps.

The quaint buildings in St. Gilgon.

Because I'm lame these pics are backwards. We started our trip in Vienna but it doesn't really matter.
Jet lag is all I can say. We landed in Vienna Thursday afternoon after leaving Salt Lake Wednesday morning so you can imagine the droopy eyes we had. We were waiting for dinner and Devin just couldn't keep his eyes open.

I love all the fountains they have over there and how me and Devin's hair looks the same.

St. Stephens Cathedral in Vienna

All in All LOVED Europe. The cobble stone streets, old buildings, history, and opening your eyes to the world. BUT I missed Teags who did so well while we were gone, Ice, still don't get how they can handle everything luke warm. The jet lag's crazy but worth it to see incredible places.