Monday, May 25, 2009

Memorial Day!

Memorial day is always a favorite day of mine. It is usually beautiful weather and a great kick off to summer!!!!!  My family has the long standing tradition of the " Grave Run" we go to 3 different grave yards see distant relative, and enjoy the free hot dogs they hand out at our last stop, I know weird hot dogs at a cemetery but you don't mess with tradition.  After the "run" we end up at the Cinderella Park (Evergreen Park) and picnic. Teagan Loved her first slide.
She wasn't quit sure what to think of the rotting bee.
Loved the horse. Devin can we get a pony?
Could not get enough of the swings, wind in her hair, and sunshine on her cheeks.
Devin couldn't resist hopping on for a quick swing with Teags. 
But the highlight of our day was visiting Caitlyn and Bret's BEAUTIFUL baby girl Diem. She was born at 2:14 this morning 7 lbs 11 ounces 22 inches long. Welcome to the world sweet little girl we love you!

Friday, May 8, 2009

Amish or iphone

I recently purchased an iphone, cool right? Well yes, then why did I have to be talked into buying it and still not really embracing the crap out of it. 

Well probably because I'm fascinated with the Amish. They live such a sweet life centered around family and simplicity no power, make their own clothes, milk cows, grow pumpkins for pumpkin cookies not jack-o-lanterns, grow beards, cool buns, get to have all sorts of animals. (Devin please could we get a dog)

So here I am caught in the middle of my fast paced world full of technology and my inner thoughts of a simple life free of distractions. Maybe that's why I haven't been blogging much and needed so much cohersing to get an iphone.  

So what to do... garden or blog,  sew or facebook, bake or watch T.V. Well I will just do them all and hope that I can still have a simple family centered life with the perks of technology. Moderation in all things right?!