Driving to the beach gets a little long thankfully Teagan found a way to entertain herself.

Here are some pics from our bitter sweet Sea World day.

Baby Diem was happy until we discovered her BOB chariot got stolen. Stupid stroller thief .....

We all enjoyed the Sea Lions but I think Teagan was way into them.

The best part of our trip is the beach! Could you get sick of it I didn't neither did Teagan and she sure ate a lot of it!

There was lots of building, digging, sculpting. Here is Burke and Elliott building their fort.

Teagan taking a brake for some sandy pretzels.

Here is our Mermaid hand crafted by Nancy, Breanne, Heidi, and myself. Burke named her Norma but he won't admit to it.

Burke and Lane transformed into a sand monster.

So did Teagan!

At the end of a long sandy day who isn't happy to wash off, well Grady sure was!

Brent and Barbara another wonderful trip Thanks!