Saturday, November 22, 2008

Twilight... and more

Well I saw it! No I was not one of the mid night viewers, or some one carrying around a vile of my own blood around my neck. But I was amongst a crowd of overly excited women (not girls) that saw it Saturday afternoon. 

I do have to say that I did enjoy it. I didn't know if I would like Robert Pattinson, Cedric Diggory, as Edward but He did well and I did find him very attractive. They stayed pretty true to the book, and it's always fun to see characters come to life. Probably the most entertaining part was every time a character was introduced the over zealous 40-60 year old women would cat call, scream, profess their undying love. Which just added extra laughs. 

What really gave me the chills literally up and down my arms was the trailer to the 6th Harry Potter The Half Blood Prince. I have to say that this and the 4th are my two most favorite books of the incredible series. There will always be a special place in my heart for Harry Potter since our relationship runs really deep. We've known each other 7 years now. So since I no longer have the next book to look forward to coming out, I now have the movie. Opening night any one down?


Aimee said...

Of course I will be down for opening night. I would even do the midnight showing for this one. Maybe even make a special trip to Utah. :)

Glad you like the movie. If the opportunity presents itself I might go see it now.

Jude said...

We're going up to Idaho Falls with Jennie & Steve, and Amy & Ryan after Thanksgiving for the weekend, so all the girls are going to go then. I KNOW I'll be more excited about the Harry Potter trailer, but still looking forward to the movie1

Karen Mello Burton said...

I was one of those midnight viewers, and I fit into your 40-60 category (sigh), but there was no screaming here. It was fun though!

jamie said...

haha. I have to laugh because I just posted a blog about how I absolutly hated the Twilight movie. Honestly I thought it was once of the worst movies I have ever seen......but I am so very excited for Harry Potter, and I know I will love it!